• It's equal parts 'Flashdance,' 'Burlesque' and 'Lambada', all parts ludicrous - but we aren't here for the story any more than we watch Bla Tarr for the salsa numbers.
  • There's too much color and energy and frenzy in this movie to discount it entirely, but it has a disconcerting tendency to undercut its best notions with some singularly awful moves.
  • With the most wooden leads of the series to date - an MMA fighter and a 'So You Think You Can Dance' alum - the drama between the dancing has never felt more interminable.
  • 'Step Up: You've Seen All This Before' would be more accurate, but Summit Entertainment's marketing department knows that wouldn't help sell tickets.
  • Delivers plenty of spectacular fancy footwork in what is otherwise a flat-footed fantasy.
  • While dance purists won't be impressed by the energetic and athletic choreography -- the dancers have clearly learned routines but not necessarily technique -- date-movie audiences will likely want to go out dancing afterward themselves, and that's fun.
  • The choreography is solid throughout, but director Scott Speer gets in his own way every time, relentlessly shifting camera angles to close-ups and reaction shots when he should be letting us witness the spectacle.
  • There isn't a franchise around that matches the kids' moves in the Step Up series. We just need a better reason to dance along.
  • No one goes to a 'Step Up' movie for the plot or the romance. Only the dancing matters here.
  • Busby Berkeley would have approved of the hijinks director Scott Speer gets up to with his 3D cameras
  • San Francisco Chronicle

    7/26/2012 by Mick LaSalle

    It seems only fair to start with the one thing that's right with it: It's not dead. It should be, but it's not.
  • Though the location-specific choreography looks like it could be impressive, the film's frantic cutting style makes it difficult to simply enjoy bodies moving in space.
  • New York Daily News

    Retrieved March 18, 2014. Retrieved March 18, 2014. Retrieved March 18, 2014. Digital museum collections. Retrieved March 18, 2014.

    7/26/2012 by Elizabeth Weitzman

    Will the next 'Step Up' tackle the cutting-edge trend of planking?
  • Contrary to its message, it will not change the world. But the dancing will make you sit up and take notice.
  • The plot is pure boilerplate, yet the draw of this franchise has always been its fancy footwork, and the movie's stuttering, herky-jerky spectacles of impassioned movement are pretty extraordinary.
  • Not as cringe-worthy as you would expect from the fourth 'Step Up' installment.
  • Sadly, somewhere between a split and a fist pump, Revolution fell flat, and I found myself wishing for Magic Mike in 3-D.
  • Despite their infectious energy and some mind-blowing moves, there's a chaotic formlessness to even the best of these set pieces
  • Arizona Republic

    7/26/2012 by Barbara VanDenburgh

    She's a rich daddy's girl! He's from the wrong side of the tracks! They bridge their socio-economic gap through the power of dance! Rinse, repeat.
  • [Guzman and McCormick] zero acting experience - and it shows. Same goes for the first-time movie director, Scott Speer, who can't coax even a passable performance from his amateurish cast..