Padhaswaram is a popular Malayalam daily drama tele serial with a unique storyline which airs on the leading and popular Malayalam entertainment television channel Asianet TV. The story of this tele serial Padhaswaram is about the IT professionals. Padhaswaram is directed by director S. Janardanan and the story is also written by him and the show is produced by renowned Malayalam tele serial producer Mani. The actors Krishna Veni, Kumar, Melvin, Pream Shankar, and Veena Nair play the leading characters in this story. The story of the serial revolves round IT industry and the complex lives of employees out there. The show has already completed more than 278 episodes. In this show, the director tells the story of the IT professionals. Two sisters Krishna Veni and Urmila played by popular and talented Malayalam television actresses Dr.
Where to watch saint seiya. Divya Nair and Amala are the central characters and the main protagonists of this hit and successful popular mega tele serial. The other cast and crew members of the mega serial Padhaswaram are- Dr. Shaju Sham essaying the role of the main male protagonist and the common love interest of the two sisters Kumar, Anzil Rahman, Binoy, Binil, Ghadil, Dr. Divya, Anusree, Manka mahesh, Sunitha, Veena nair, Amala Kurian, Indulekha, etc.