Yesterday, between one minute and the next, the network adapter went missing from the device manager. It has shown up randomly again and vanished within 10-15 minutes. Currently it has been missing from the list for around 12-14 hours. I have turned on 'Show hidden devices' and it doesn't show up there either. I've downloaded the latest driver package from the Microsoft website and tried to manually install the drivers. The device is fully updated with all the latest updates. I plugged it in to a wired network and checked and it says the device is fully up to date.

This is what my device manager looks like for network adapters.

The following occurs when I try to install the drivers from the downloaded Surface Pro 3 driver zip package.

As you can see, despite picking the correct driver it doesn't actually show a device to install. I'm not sure if this is related to the fact that it is missing from device manager completely or not.

I've done a fully RESET on the device twice to no change at all. The screenshots above were taken directly after a full Windows 10 RESET.

How can the answer be improved? Old Diplomacy: Diplomacy in its traditional form is known as Old Diplomacy and its main features have been: (i) European Diplomacy: Old Diplomacy was primarily confined to Europe. The “ABC of Diplomacy” explains some of the most important and fre- quently used terms and concepts of diplomacy without claiming to pro- vide a comprehensive glossary of terms on the subject. What is diplomacy pdf. THE ART OF DIPLOMACY: THE USE OF ART IN INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS Spencer James Oscarson, M.A. Thesis Advisor: Martin Irvine, Ph.D. ABSTRACT Artists may share their work internationally to expand their audience or viewership, but non-art organizations have also historically facilitated art shows and international exchange. Diplomacy that addresses both strategy and professional practice. Henrikson is Director of the Fletcher Roundtable on a New World Order, Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts University.

I've also searched all the various posts to try and resolve it and nothing seems to line up. As shown above, I can't actually update my drivers as it won't let me pick anything.